Rohrbaugh Products and Accessories > Rohrbaugh R380

Remington R380, $162 (after rebate).... ?!

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Point Blank Range, in Carmel Indiana, is having a cost flash sale Friday. Cost , after rebate, is $100. They have 150 to sell. Not my thing but some may want one.

If you want something a tad bigger, you can get a S&W Bodyguard .380 today for $185.

Use the discount code: MED to bring the webpages cost down another 15 dollars.


My pistol smith was quite critical of the Bodyguard's internals, trigger pull etc.. Even though they are different animals he was very high on the quality of the Shield, M&P, and others in that class of S&W.

I owned a Bodyguard for a while and it was an OK gun.  I traded it to a guy who did not like his Ruger LCP and he got along with it fine.  The laser worked good but I am not a laser guy.

The RM380 is a better gun than either the LCP, the Bodyguard, or the P3AT in my opinion.

My favorite gun in that class by far is the Kahr P380.  They are a great gun.

I just saw this over at Seecamp

I have heard that a lot of gunmakers got caught with huge inventories stocking up for a Hillary Presidency.


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