Author Topic: Vietnam Veterans for Truth Rally- Wash. D.C.    (Read 3090 times)

Offline MurrayNevada

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Vietnam Veterans for Truth Rally- Wash. D.C.  
« on: August 26, 2004, 11:06:08 PM »
John Kerry told the world we were war criminals who raped, tortured and murdered in Vietnam. Now, thirty-three years later, we will tell America the truth. Join us at the rally we call:
KERRY LIED . . . while good men died
A gathering of Vietnam veterans from across America

Where: Upper Senate Park, Washington, D.C. It is easy to get to, shady and pretty, with a great view of the Capitol dome in back of the speaker's platform.

When: Sunday, Sept 12, 2004 2:00-4:00 PM (EDT)

Why: To tell the truth about Vietnam veterans.
To counter the lies told about Vietnam veterans by John Kerry

All Vietnam veterans and their families and supporters are asked to attend.Other veterans are invited as honored guests.

Offline Oscar

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Re: Vietnam Veterans for Truth Rally- Wash. D.C.  
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2004, 02:21:45 AM »
Regarding the election:  I had recently received a survey from the Bush Cheney 04 campaign and felt the need to additionally repond with the following letter.

Dear Sir or Madam:

Since you asked... I consider myself politically conservative.  I believe that the government should be fiscally conservative.  I also feel that since we are at war, spending on the defense and in support of the war effort takes precedence and is acceptable.  I also think that there are selected social programs that are worthy of federal funding.  In summary, I believe that the Constitution defines the function of our federal goverment.

Bearing that in mind, I believe that President Bush and Vice-President Cheney must run on the experience of their actions during their first term of office.  Our current administration has acted decicively and mostly in the interest of the national good.  My opinion is that Senators Kerry and Edwards cannot run on their actions or their voting records while in public office.  They know this, and this is why the Democratic presidential campaign focused on Senator Kerry's Vietnam experience.  But since some of his comrades have called into question the truthfulness of his wartime claims, they must deflect these accusations toward the President's and Vice-President's Vietnam service.  Although I have no campaign strategy experience, it seems to me that if Senator Kerry were confronted in a visible public forum with the request to authorize the release of the details of his military service, his refusal would be seen as an effort to cover up facts that could refute his statements.  Someone should present this with the rationalization that if Senator Kerry's statements are all true, then his credibility would be greatly enhanced.

Regarding the release of Senator Kerry's military files:  Where are the efforts of the New York Times or other media to demand this release?  Surely there is some media organization that feels the responsibility to do so.  If it's a timing issue, maybe this should occur after the Olympic coverage ends.  Perhaps this can happen during of just after the Republican National Convention?  in any case, this effort should be underway.

Another issue that your opposition will probably use as a wedge within your supporters is the Assault Weapons Ban.  This is a "damned if you do - damned if you don't" proposition.  I believe that the Democratic National Committee will advise their comrades in the Congress to rush legislation through in order to force a Presidential decision to either sign a permanent ban into law, or not.  Signing this into law would alienate those of us who firmly believe what the Second Amendment of the US Constitution says.  It applies to the "individual" and the phrase "shall not be infringed" means just that.  Refusing to sign some form of ban into law risks alienating the liberal-leaning supporters.  The best tack regarding this issue may have been recently used by the Democrats to indefinitely delay the confirmation of many federal judges.  The Assault Weapons Ban legislation should be delayed and kept in Congress until after the November general election.

Please realize that the accusations of the Democratic National Committee and their associated 527's toward President Bush and Vice-President Cheney are intended to deflect attention from Senator Kerry's intention to not answer any claims by some of the people with which he served in Vietnam.  Also, their accusations are a window into their own intentions and actions.  I believe that psychologists call this mechanism "projection".  It is the projection of ones own values onto an opponent or someone that is disliked.

Finally, since most media won't report the manipulations, connections and actions of the Democratic National Committee and their surrogates, only paid advertisements will create a presence in this area.  It's not fair but conventional wisdom dictates that you must adapt in order to compete on the playing field with which you are presented.

I hope that none of the above comes as news to you, but I feel that it needed to be said.  In order to successfully fight the good fight, you must know your opponent/s.



Offline MurrayNevada

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Re: Vietnam Veterans for Truth Rally- Wash. D.C.  
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2004, 05:42:02 PM »
Very well said Lloyd.