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There has been an uptick in uncivil behavior.  I understand what is happening, and don’t need to discuss “who” or “why.”

This is a private forum administered by me.  The forum has always been a place for cordial discussions of Rohrbaugh pistols and reasonably related topics.  Think of it like my living room. Think of yourselves as my friends.  If you wouldn't say it in person to one of our mutual friends while sitting across from each other on my couch—keep it to yourself.

Arguments can be taken “offline” and resolved, or just ignored.  I don’t care—but don’t be rude and argue in my house while you are my guest.

I am on many forums and you have no idea how many times I hear someone say "this is a public forum, I can say what I want". That is until someone reminds them that its a privately owned forum and what they say can get them banned.


Yes.  You have no First Amendment rights here!   ;) 

I always try to be fair and give people the benefit of the doubt, but -- the forum has a certain tone that I wish to foster. 

Tone it down or tune for me.

Civility is the action of working together productively to reach a common goal, and often with beneficent purposes. Some definitions conflate civility with politeness, which suggests disengaging with others so as not to offend ("roll over and play dead"...[1]). The notion of positively constructive civility suggests robust, even passionate, engagement framed in respect of differing views. In his call for restoring civility, Pastor Rick Warren said, "In America, we've got to learn how to disagree without demonizing each other."[2] Pastor Warren was speaking metaphorically, but the fundamental principle he is trying to restore is the idea that people can still work together even if they do not always absolutely agree with each other's point of view.

Community, choices, conscience, character are all elements directly related to civility. Civility is more than just having manners, because it involves developing a civil attitude and civil responsibility. Civility often forms more meaningful friendships and relationships, with an underlying tone of civic duty to help more than the sum of its whole.

When people engage in conversation together with civility being a focal point of the outcome in the situation, this is commonly referred to as civil discourse. Kenneth J. Gergen, an American psychologist, suggested that the opinions of all people from all parties must be respected when in civil discourse, as "the language of dispassionate objectivity".


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