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Magazine pinky extensions

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I have some 3d printers at work and was hoping to get some dimensions to work on a 3d print before attempting to have some CNC machined.  It would be a lot easier if I had something to work from.  I'll have to see if I have any extensions that are close to working either from my seecamps or rm380's.   

I'd like to have something that works on the r9.  Perhaps the Kahr extensions might be close.

Yankee 2500 was his member name but he stopped making them several years ago. Some have had good luck with the Pearce Kahr extensions. They may need a slight modification to fit the R9 magazine.

Also, the originator of the after market extension was a gentleman named Steve Bedair from Longview, TX. He owned a machine shop and  was a very talented craftsman. Unfortunately, he passed away from lung cancer in 2015 at age 53. If anyone filed for a patent it might have been Steve.

If anyone decides to make any extensions, please put me on the list to buy some. I tried the Pearce extensions, they give much better grip, but I can’t get them to be reliable enough to feel comfortable betting my life on them.


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