Author Topic: Selling a rare firearm questions  (Read 1739 times)

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Selling a rare firearm questions
« on: March 27, 2018, 03:51:41 PM »
I’m looking to gather some information or opinions on selling a rare or scare pistol. Some background info on the firearm include: It’s an MAB PA-15 PAP F1 (  This is a target version of the standard French pistol MAB PA-15.  The pistol was in pretty bad shape when I purchased it and I had it sent to Glenrock Blue for restoration.  I’m hoping that since this not really a collectible, the restoration won’t influence its value.  I’m looking for opinions on how I can go about selling this pistol. 

I’ve thought about selling it on my own, or putting it on consignment with a popular seller on gunbroker and with a history in dealing with rare, scarce and high-end firearms.  The problem is, there are only 2 listings stateside I’ve Seen personally or can even find on the internet and/or various forums.  Some of my concerns are, where to start at a price. Do I throw the dice and start at “penny start”?  Do I list and start the price based on the only 2 sales I’m aware about?   

If I list it personally, I can set my own price and save money on a consignment fee.  The problem is, I’m not a well known seller, my listing would be less visible, and I have no credentials/history on selling a rare or high end firearm.  If I consign the firearm, the seller I have in mind is very well known in dealing with similar firearms. This could possibly increase my chances of my pistol being seen by buyers familur with this particular firearm.  The consignee can possibly justify a high price being set for the listing price.  If it is decided to be a “penny start”, going with a reputable seller may also increase my chances of having considerably more bidders.  Hopefully all this makes sense.  I really appreciate any comments or suggestions anyone may have. Jim