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Future of the Forum

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That's not good backup.   Looks like we could use a computer geek to handle that situation?   

As I mentioned before. . . . . . I'm lucky I can respond to emails!   lol.


There was a problem with Russian hackers a while back. So maybe Duane cracked down on new members.


We were being overrun with spam members a while back, so I shut down the process.  Now you have to email me to request approval of your membership.

I suppose that an occasional email may get lost in the shuffle.  Most people get approved same day.

I find that a lot of the folks who complain they can't get approved are not following the instructions to send me an email.

We sometimes get 20+ spam membership applications in a day.  Right now I haven't deleted them in a little bit and I have 555 requests awaiting approval.  I can't investigate them all -- this is the only system I can think of.



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