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Future of the Forum

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Duane, if you do decide to close the forum, it would be great if you gave us enough time to sift through the old posts and save some of the historical data to a site like Wikipedia.  I’m thinking things like models and special models, slide markings, updates, quantity of model X produced, grip types, ammo recommendations, etc.  Even things like ECR’s recent post on why they went from R9s on the slide to R9


No decisions have been made and there is no rush.  I'm just want to have the discussion about -- where does this ultimately go? I'm totally open to ideas.

There are very few guns that I keep in my safe that I will never sell. One is my Rohrbaugh R9S Stealth, New in the Box, one of the last ones made. Every day I check in to this fine forum in the morning and in the evening. I look forward to it. I can't even begin to imagine all that I have learned about these works of art. The members on this forum are the smartest & the classiest guys that could ever exist on a forum. It has been managed by a class act of an Administrator, Duane. I think that the time maybe has come for Duane to share in the management and to share the costs of this forum. I'm sure that there will be no shortage of volunteers. I would love to help any way I can. I would hate to see this forum disappear.

   With what Tracker and Cargaritaville mentioned here I ditto that a million times You put a lot of work into this forum over the years Duane.I sold my R9 not too long ago,along with many pins,springs,etc.As Eric knows I was contemplating selling it awhile back,but didn't. Our lives change,we get old,our circumstances and priorities change.Duane when you kind of brought that all up a few months ago,it made a lot of sense to me.We have all seen it coming,It wasn't the emperor's new clothes,the time has probably come.
           A lot of great members and conversations.but not having my R9 anymore,my heart isn't into it like it was for a long time.
         If it stayed up and running,I would still follow it,at times.
                                                                                                  These are just my thoughts and feelings,

The emergence of this topic is certainly not unexpected. This is one of the three gun forums that I follow daily when possible, but for quite a while now when I visit I find that there are no new posts, or that the posts are mostly people selling their R9s. I see more posts by members here on the Seecamp Forum than on this one. I can’t help but feel that the Rohrbaugh forum deserves something better than dying a slow death.  I agree with PhilZ that we need to archive the Forum’s data and history.  Should we then “go out with a bang” announced and planned celebration, then shut it down?  I find myself conflicted.


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