Rohrbaugh Products and Accessories > Rohrbaugh Wish List
I want a Rohrbaugh R45 for 2016.
--- Quote from: mz368 on February 18, 2017, 09:23:25 AM ---Eric-
I'm still holding out hope for a 45. And, (pretty sure I know the answer to this) given the same overall cartridge length and greater magazine capacity would you and Karl consider one in 38Super? ;-)
--- End quote ---
A 38 Super R9 Series Pistol!? . . . . . Interesting caliber! . . . . . But!. . . That will never happen Chris. The round is not a popular one. Sorry...... ;-)
Put me in line for two plus if you need some operating capital there are more than a few of us willing to help out.
Ha haa . . . . . Yes, I know that Kevin. You have no idea what has been proposed behind the doors. Many backroom proposals have been made, but I really don't think in today's world, and the timing in my and Karl's life, would see us doing anything with the design at this point. But, odder things have happened................... ::) . . . . . . . I recall someone along my life's path mention: "Never say never".
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