Miscellaneous > The Water Cooler -- General Discussions

Nassau County Sheriff and County Executive Question


For you Long Islanders, I am wondering what is up with the reports that the County Sheriff and County Executive Bruce Blakeman have called for gun owners to sign up to be trained as emergency deputies.  I kinda like the idea...............

This is what I viewed.

Interesting!  An armed citizen militia, what a unique concept!!!  Maybe its basic purpose is to keep an eye on the “woke” militias out there?  Doubt it will come to fruition as all government authorities hate and fear the thought of an armed populace and will, if necessary, quickly pass one or more laws to prevent.

Karl & I have lived on Long Island our entire lives. The Island has become a tough place to live on at this point, both in our towns and within our neighborhoods. This deputizing is interesting, but I doubt much will come of it. We live in Suffolk County, so it holds no weight for us anyway. If, however, it was done right and used only when there were special emergencies, I'd have no problem with it. The firearm owners I know here are level-headed and would most likely do a good job within such a group of Deputies. 


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