Author Topic: NP3+ R9  (Read 9112 times)

Offline C0untZer0

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NP3+ R9
« on: October 26, 2011, 03:53:26 AM »
I am dissapointed that they discontinued the Robar Rohrbaugh.  I'd like to see it again in NP3+

NP3+ is tougher finish than NP3 with higher lubricity.

When I buy an R9 I an going to have it completely refinishes in NP3+ anyway, but it would be nice if I could get that finish from the factory.

Offline kjtrains

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Re: NP3+ R9
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2011, 11:03:48 AM »
C0unt.  Finally got a Robar and it's a gem; you'll love the finish, for sure.  Sooooo easy to clean!    :)
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