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More Down Time
Backup -- hope you are well!
Give me a little bit of time to figure out what we might need to do. We could probably update to a newer version of the current forum software. The expense might be more "labor" than anything. I unfortunately can't do this myself, but my friend TechGuy has been doing this from the beginning. We used to make some money here and there which I would send to him for his work and the ongoing costs of maintaining the server. Let me see what he thinks we should do.
I'm sure we can salvage this somehow. I am certainly not a computer tech guy, but someone must know what to do to update things for us. Whatever it is, I'm also sure that we who use the forum will be able to pitch in with the cash flow to keep things running smoothly for everyone to continue to enjoy themselves here. The members on this forum are some of the best people anywhere! I like to call you all friends.
Keep us posted Duane, please. I'm sure your guy will figure things out and whatever he needs to make it happen, let us know and we'll make it work.
Eric R.
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