Author Topic: 1st two days at the NRA annual meeting show  (Read 1816 times)

Offline MikeInTexas

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1st two days at the NRA annual meeting show
« on: May 28, 2022, 07:56:29 PM »
Just got in from my second day at the NRA show and had some observations.  Did Friday alone and herself came with me today.

This was my third convention. (Saw the Rhorbaughs at the first one)

Bad timing for the event.  Not their fault, circumstances.

Medium sized group of protesters across the street kept in check by a large multi-agency security force.

Lots of security from every agency imaginable, even private firms working.  Felt heavy handed.  Saw the Houston Police Department on 4 wheelers for the first time.  Harris county Sheriff department out in force on their horses.  Texas Department of Public Safety out in force.  Helicopters buzzing overhead.  Crazy.

Plenty of officers enjoying the displays and exhibits that were probably on a break.

Did not attend the former presidents speech yesterday due to restrictions I did not want to adhere to. (To avoid traffic nightmare, I caught a train.  I will not travel on public transportation without my R9 in my pocket.)  No place to store your carry gun/knife prior to entering the venue with the former president.

Dark inside the convention center.  This made the back-lighted displays particularly poor.  Put the firearms in the shadows, hard to see the details even when you picked them up.  On many you could not tell wood or synthetic stock from more than a few feet away.  Forget trying to get a good look at higher end wood.  Herself wondered if it was intentional by the left leaning city managers.

Not as many celebrities and industry leaders as in other years.  Saw Ronnie Barrett and Alan West, nobody else I recognized.

Big displays blocked aisles, which is normal, but still annoying as you can't efficiently walk the show and see everything without backtracking and cutting through displays.

Typical crowd of some that were there for the swag and would push in to get the freebies and not even care what the booth was promoting.  Amazing what some folks will do for a cheap ass key-chain or sticker.

Heavy populated by 'tactical' themed gear and those that dress that way. (No way some of these guys ever humped a ruck, but they acted like their were tier 1 operators.  LOL, I must be getting to be an old fudd :)  )

Mobility scooters everywhere.

Plenty of internet media types walking the show with their camera rigs.

I only took three pictures over both days, the John Wick wrecked Mustang, herself sitting in it and the descriptive poster.  Normally I have dozens.  Nothing really caught my eye.

Herself got bored after a few hours.  Unlike a few years ago when we spent all three days there and wanted more time.

I did get a good laugh from the fully tactical outfitted Secret Service Officer when I pointed out that the AK he was inspecting was not a good look for him.

Did like getting a look at the Springfield Armory clone of the HiPower.

AutoMag was there with a few nice handguns.

Seemed to be a low energy show.  Felt tired after only a few hours.  Herself felt same way.

I'll definitely go back next time it comes to town, but will probably have lesser expectations.

Anyone else attend?  Would like to hear others impressions.



Offline backupr9

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Re: 1st two days at the NRA annual meeting show
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2022, 09:19:43 AM »
Thanks for the review!
"Those who would sacrifice a little freedom for a little order, will lose both, and deserve neither." 
Thomas Jefferson

Endur Fortis

Offline ECR

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Re: 1st two days at the NRA annual meeting show
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2022, 06:52:55 PM »
Yes, thank you for your insight and thoughts on the NRA Show Mike.

Always nice to hear from you here on the forum.

Hoping all is well with you, the Mrs., and your family.

Eric R.
Makers of the NRA Shooting Illustrated: "Handgun of the Year for 2005" and receiver of an NRA Golden Bullseye Award.

Offline MikeInTexas

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Re: 1st two days at the NRA annual meeting show
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2022, 09:10:02 PM »
Thanks Eric.

Could have just been tired, welcomed a new member to the family and he has kept us up a bit..........