Rohrbaugh Products and Accessories > Rohrbaugh R9 (all variations)

Do you still carry this gun?

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Hi all,

Been here forever. Still check in on occasion to see what's up in the Rohrbaugh world.

I have a simple question.

Do you still carry an R9 daily?

At the time, it was the smallest 9mm ever. Now, other options exist. But that doesn't change the size of the gun in your pocket.

At the time, parts were cheap and easy to come by, and there was true factory service. Now, less so. But that doesn't change the reliability of the well maintained gun in your pocket.

At the time, Rohrbaughs were rare, but not unobtainable. Now they may be curiosities.

So, with these few, and you may think of other, questions in mind, do you still carry your R9 on a daily basis, or is it now a gun that lives in the safe as a collectible example of high-tech, forward-thinking engineering?

Thank you.

Perhaps I can expand.

Our geographic situation has changed. A small gun, in the pocket always, may be the order of the day forever more.

I have, and love, J-frames, but flat semi-autos carry more easily.

I have a G-43, but carry it IWB. I started shopping Ruger LCPs, but then (of course) said to myself, "Just carry your R9S."

Thus, the question.

I always had a thing or two about the R9 that gave me pause, but nothing there that would be answered by an LCP.

In 2022, is carrying this gun the equivalent of carrying a Colt SAA, Walther P-38, or Colt Pocket Hammerless?

It will work. It is effective. But you don't need to subject one to daily abuse, and it isn't wise to do so.

Has the R9 become a collectible; to own one is amazing, to carry one is absurd?

Since moving in 2015 to the very safe Amelia Island, FL I have been remiss in daily carry.  When I do carry here, it is one of my R9’s or a Seecamp .32.  When visiting Jacksonville, a notoriously dangerous city, I carry a Sig P365 with a 12 round mag and a spare 15 rounder since in that environment a “get off of me” gun makes little sense.  The Rohrbaugh R9 properly cared for and appropriately used is still a world-class carry piece IMO.

I also carry a Glock 43 and have recently purchased a 9 round mag from Shield Arms.


--- Quote from: tracker on November 23, 2022, 10:59:45 AM ---I also carry a Glock 43 and have recently purchased a 9 round mag from Shield Arms.

--- End quote ---

Interesting. Did you swap out the mag catch as well?


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