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Revo carry??
I guess for most part - most of us here are semi auto users ... R9 is .... of course, but seems like most folks have an auto in larger form too.
I have auto's ... and have carried them ....... from P series Rugers, to compact 1911. Even too smaller stuff like Bersa and Mak.
However, as some may remember me saying ..... my daily carry - of choice - is and has been now for some time - my Ruger SP-101.
I think this is in part due to my ''teething'' a quarter century ago and more - on revo's anyways. I used a M686 almost exclusively for many years of competition.
I am not saying that auto's are perforce ''jamomatics'' but - I have to say, the rugged simplicity of a revo always appeals and I have greater confidence in them .. I shoot D/A quite well too.
The round count is necessarily lower ... I have five and then just one speedloader. Tho heck ... if that ain't enough, then things are gonna be BAD!!
Do we have ANY revo folks?? I mean, much as I adore my R9s .. it is not top of the list for choice when circumstances permit my revo. It'll be BUG or .......... the absolute ideal for deep conceal cases when clothing is so skimpy - I'd nearly be arrested for exposure!! ;D
Don't assume to much R9SCarry... I am a confirmed revolver shooter.
My primary carry gun is a S&W 342. When that is too big for the pants I am wearing (mostly when wearing a suit), the nod went to the P-3AT or soon the R-9s.
When I compete in IPSC I shoot a S&W 625 Mountain Gun in .45 ACP. I am going today to order my new S&W PC revolver -- more on that later.
I learned to shoot with wheelguns (first a Ruger single-action, then on to Colts and Smiths and even a Dan Wesson) and feel most comfortable with them. I like the simplicity of handling and the manual of arms. I am very comfortable with the DA trigger and shoot revolvers well.
That being said, the R-9s does offer a slimmer package than a j-frame and will fill a niche. It is a bit "revolver-like" in that it is a true DAO and not exactly a fast reload, given the mag release, lack of slide lock, etc. I think of the R-9 a lot like a 7 shot 9mm "snub nose." ;D
I like the feeling of beating semi-auto shooters with my 625 at IPSC. I believe that truly good shooters need to be able to handle a revolver. If you master that, a semi-auto is a piece of cake. (Said with my tongue planted lightly in my cheek.)
Wheel guns are real guns!
Rock on Duane .... of course - I forgot what you'd said re your 625!! Glad to have a ''wheelie buddy'' on the team! ;D
Just today I put my money down for a S&W Performance Center 586 L-Comp. That is going to be a sweet gun.
Jim - welcome! :)
My daily carry is almost always SP-101 (with CT grips :) ) .. pretty much a J frame really but of course not exactly lightweight. I normally carry belt slide OWB .. hi-ride ... and it suits me very well ... my draw is fast and useful.
However i have tried pocket now and again with that .. weight is very evident as you'd expect but ... to me revo's are a problem simply cos of cyl bulge. Not pocket for me with them.
The R9 is so essentially flat - that is it's big strength and tho heavier than say P-3AT ... is in the right rig very unprintworthy. So for me ... no contest!
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