Rohrbaugh Products and Accessories > Cleaning and Maintenance of the R-9
Trigger Bar Spring
Ok, so what's the trick to getting this thing to stay when one puts the grips back on. The two posts on my R9 are no more that 1.5mm high (guessing). Does the spring not lay flat when the gun is on its side so one may put the grip back on? The spring seems to be under both lateral and longitudinal load; and those two posts do not appear high enough for my spring to fit without popping off instantly.
I did order a new spring just to satisfy myself the spring's not bent too much. It does have ever so slight of a bend midway through the spring. Since I've never had the grips off I don't know what "normal" is.
Sorry if this question has been asked before, search didn't seem to pick this one up for me.
Just take a flat head screwdriver and pry the spring open ever so slightly and it will fit and stay put. This has been a problem for many of us in the past and easily resolved once you know the "trick." The other trick is to not remove the grips in the first place as Karl carefully admonished me years ago.
Not sure I understand that flathead comment. You're talking about the end thing of the spring that fits over the two posts?
And, I would not normally take the grips off; but, I ordered some VZ grips and was getting prepped to put them on when they get here. I was trying to get a head start :).
Thanks again!
Yes, just slightly open the loop that goes over the posts.
Excellent!!!! Thank you so much!!
Just trying to do maintenance before I'm in for my arm to be fixed. Bad tennis elbow(s), and I can hardly even rack the slide. So, right now seemed to be a good time to do maintenance because who knows how bad recovery will be. Or that's my excuse anyway ;).
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