Rohrbaugh Products and Accessories > Cleaning and Maintenance of the R-9
Alignment issue? with my R9
Why not exchange your good recoil rod into the problem pistol and see how that works to isolate the issue.
Tracker - Great common-sense suggestion. Common sense is something that I obviously need more of....
Put the good recoil rod into the problem pistol... and the problem went away. Looks like I need a new recoil rod.
Is that something that can be obtained from Williams Gun Sights?
Sometimes the obvious escapes us, but I would think that Williams has those in stock. However, from other posts I have read here they may require that you send the R9 to them for the replacement guide rod. Alex will be able to answer your needs.
Did you try tightening the Spring Retaining Disk? If this is loose, the rod gains a fraction of a mm and will extended past the frame.
Yes... The spring retaining disc seems tight
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