Miscellaneous > Classifieds -- For Buying or Selling
Karl and Eric's R9 Robar/Rohrbaugh Pistols for Sale
Poetry in Metal.
What, sights on both of them?
Pure blasphemy from the Brothers! ;)
--- Quote from: MRC on October 12, 2020, 07:24:42 PM ---
What, sights on both of them?
Pure blasphemy from the Brothers! ;)
--- End quote ---
Ha haa . . . . . . You know. . . . . Karl and I both thought no sights, for real, it's a "gut gun", as Karl used to say ref the R9: "It's for up close and personal use.". With that in mind, an early adoptor of the pistol, Bob Jensen, insisted that the gun have sights on it. When we said no, his rebutal was: "Well then, it must be inherently inaccurate if you do not want to put sights on the gun".
After I expressed Mr. Jensen's concerns, that was when Karl designed the R9S, the fixed sight version. As they say on Long Island: "Not for Nothin'". . . . . THAT sighted version became the most popular version of the R9, not the unsighted version.
That is why the Robar/Rohrbaugh Pistols were sighted. (Yes folks, a little behind the scenes information on the sights).
Eric C. Rohrbaugh
--- Quote from: ECR on October 13, 2020, 06:53:17 PM ---
--- Quote from: MRC on October 12, 2020, 07:24:42 PM ---
What, sights on both of them?
Pure blasphemy from the Brothers! ;)
--- End quote ---
Ha haa . . . . . . You know. . . . . Karl and I both thought no sights, for real, it's a "gut gun", as Karl used to say ref the R9: "It's for up close and personal use.". With that in mind, an early adoptor of the pistol, Bob Jensen, insisted that the gun have sights on it. When we said no, his rebutal was: "Well then, it must be inherently inaccurate if you do not want to put sights on the gun".
After I expressed Mr. Jensen's concerns, that was when Karl designed the R9S, the fixed sight version. As they say on Long Island: "Not for Nothin'". . . . . THAT sighted version became the most popular version of the R9, not the unsighted version.
That is why the Robar/Rohrbaugh Pistols were sighted. (Yes folks, a little behind the scenes information on the sights).
Eric C. Rohrbaugh
--- End quote ---
I am glad you knew I was trying to be humorous.
I remember the guns but I did not remember that they both had sights.
I wish him good luck with his sale!
Seems my personal messages don’t always make it. Here’s a suggestion: put them on gun broker and I’ll place an opening bid of $6000.00 for the pair.
There has to be a few collectors out there, besides myself.
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