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CZ Rami 2075 BD 9mm
I recently purchased this gun from a friend. It fits in one's hand like a fitted glove, has minimal flip due to its weight, and is built like a Mercedes. I am impressed. CZ purchased Dan Wesson and their guns now are top shelf. I hope they do the same for their latest purchase...Colt.
Nice! I’ll just make do with my 15 year-old H&K USPC .40. Also SA/DA with safety and decocker. Minimal recoil and fun to shoot.
I recently picked up a CZ Czechmate package. It is the first CZ pistol that I have owned. I agree, when you pick it up it feels like the grip was molded in your hand.
The Czechmate comes with everything you need to run in limited or the open class witn a few simple changes. It icludes a removable comp and C-More optic. It shoots great and has a fantastic trigger.
--- Quote from: MRC on September 14, 2021, 10:08:26 AM ---I recently picked up a CZ Czechmate package. It is the first CZ pistol that I have owned. I agree, when you pick it up it feels like the grip was molded in your hand.
The Czechmate comes with everything you need to run in limited or the open class witn a few simple changes. It icludes a removable comp and C-More optic. It shoots great and has a fantastic trigger.
--- End quote ---
That's a beauty!!!
MRC, might I suggest that you look into purchasing a SpeedBeez magazine loader if you intend to shoot it a lot (especially with those 26 round magazines).
I got herself one for her birthday to use with the CZ-75s she has. I don't have to load her mags anymore, she can fill them up herself now. Liked it so much I got another one for the Glocks off Amazon.
The key is that they are made specifically for a particular magazine and don't need a third hand to operate efficiently. The magazine locks into the loader like it would a pistol frame. This allows you to grab a handful of bullets in one hand and the loader in the other and go to town on it. Much better than a Magula.
Can't get the CZ loader on Amazon, but you can get the Sig and Glock loaders there. Same price on both sites, $25. Got free shipping from the factory site.
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