Author Topic: Update on NP3 providers  (Read 14818 times)


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Update on NP3 providers
« on: April 30, 2020, 10:11:25 AM »
     In November, 2019, I listed companies that are authorized NP3 coating retailers.  From the group, I chose Wright Armory in Mesa, Arizona to refinish my Robar Rohrbaugh.  On December 5, I spoke with their representative and paid-in-full the quote of $453.00
     In the first first week of February, 2020, I called the company to inquire on progress. I learned from Brian Wright, that the representative I originally spoke to was no longer with the company.  Brian couldn’t have been more helpful.  He made me comfortable that he would oversee the project.
   About two months later, I called to get an update.  This time, I spoke to another customer service representative.  He would not put me through to speak to Brian.  He told me that the gun was near completion, and made it clear that the only person I would speak to was him.  That made me a little anxious.  The representative was not part of the technical discussions about the restoration.
     On the other hand, I understood the “Keeper of-the-Gate” role.  I’ve owned a company for 23 years now.  Some owners (myself included) want to get back to doing what it was that originally called them to their profession- painting, seeing patients, building guns, whatever.  So, we entrust other areas of responsibility to employees.   
    When I was alerted that the gun was done, I received a bill for an
additional $107, ($47 for shipping and $60 disassembly/reassembly fees).  I questioned these add-ons.  The same representative explained that shipping was never included in a quote, because they wouldn’t know the cost until time to ship.  I understood and agreed to the $47.   I said, however, I would never understand the $60 disassembly/reassembly fee not having been included in the original quote. The customer representative said, “I can't speak as to why he did not inform you of the disassembly/reassembly fee when you talked. What I can say is that his lack of attention to detail is the reason he was let go.”  Translation: “We made a mistake and you are going to pay for it, if you want your gun.”
    It was clear, to this representative, customer service was all about control.   Extracting every penny from mere customer fodder was the paramount goal.
     I feel sorry for owner.  He has handed over reigns of customer service, and placed them in the wrong hands.  l’ve seen it many times over the decades.  Somebody offers a great service or product, but the customer interface is bad.  It’s such a shame.
     I’m not saying the business will be destroyed. It seems McDonald’s and gun stores are impervious to the basic rules of business.  What I can say is, the business will never be what it could be.  Customer service matters.  I will never send anything there again.   As a customer, I will not be treated as a time-consuming bother nor will I have someone make up a charge, while my gun is held hostage.  Not to mention, according to my invoice, they missed coating the trigger.  Had I been permitted to review the order with Brian, maybe job would have been done correctly.
     So please disregard Wright Armory from the list of NP3 retailers that I provided.  I do not want to lead anyone down the wrong path.
Chris Odasso

Offline backupr9

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Re: Update on NP3 providers
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2020, 10:43:52 AM »
Thank you for that.
"Those who would sacrifice a little freedom for a little order, will lose both, and deserve neither." 
Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Update on NP3 providers
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2020, 11:02:40 AM »
Consider trying to contact owner in other ways, email, snail mail, linked in , twitter, phone(other departments or random extensions and people). Possibly threats, BBB or charge dispute.
$47 sounds high to me.
I am annoyed on your behalf.

P.S.  I am holding back.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2020, 11:10:40 AM by bamboobob »


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Re: Update on NP3 providers
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2020, 12:42:22 PM »
Thank you.
I have sent an email to the owner, because he seemed like a good guy, when I spoke to him back in February. 
If no response, I will post an abbreviated review on Google etc.
It’s a crazy world.