Rohrbaugh Products and Accessories > Cleaning and Maintenance of the R-9
Simple to make tools for take down/reassembly
As an R9 newbie I'm looking for all the help I can get. Just bought a pair of Buss Fuse Pullers at my local ACE Hardware. Thanks for the tip, looks like it will work.
Doug, let us know how these work for you, a real great idea.
That will make life a lot easier.
After two very scary and cringe-worthy re-assembly events with a Channel-Lock pliers, I found and read this thread and liked the idea, so I went out and purchased a Buss fuse puller identical to the one described here.
Having access to a small milling machine, I milled the 1/4" slots in the end instead of drilling them, and tested the tool.
It works very well indeed. There's an added benefit in that I can use it to compress the inner spring a bit which allows me to clean and lube the inner guide rod and spring easily, then assemble the outer spring and insert it into the slide. Because everything is plastic the cringe factor is well under control. Thanks to OP for the tip - necessity is indeed the mother of invention.
Richard S:
--- Quote --- * * * There's an added benefit in that I can use it to compress the inner spring a bit which allows me to clean and lube the inner guide rod and spring easily, then assemble the outer spring and insert it into the slide. * * *
--- End quote ---
That did it for me! I've got all of the other gadgets for reassembly, but I'm now getting a fuse puller and making one of Tom'ss "inventions" for myself.
Thanks Tom and JR.
Harley Dude:
The Buss fuse puller as modified by Tom works great! Took me about ten minutes to modify it. Makes reassembly a snap. Thanks, Tom.
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