Rohrbaugh Products and Accessories > Rohrbaugh R380
What's the latest word on the R380?
I'm looking forward to checking one of these out.
Any news? Good/bad/indifferent ;)
I wonder if there will be a way to swap the barrel and magazine out of an R9 and drop in a .380 barrel and mag?
Now that I might be game for.
I'm curious what all was involved in creating the 380.
In my simple mind I would have guessed a new barrel, a new magazine, a new recoil spring, modifications to the breachface, extractor, ejector.
That seems very straightforward so there must be more involved to explain why it is taking so long.
working on mags. Tom
--- Quote ---I'm curious what all was involved in creating the 380.
In my simple mind I would have guessed a new barrel, a new magazine, a new recoil spring, modifications to the breachface, extractor, ejector.
That seems very straightforward so there must be more involved to explain why it is taking so long.
--- End quote ---
If the .380 is being built on the same frame as the 9mm, it's going to end up being exactly the same size as the R9.
What's the point, then?
You can't start any thread that argues effectiveness of caliber without a bunch of people denegrating the .380 compared to the 9mm, so I wonder how big a market there really will be for a same-size .380 pistol.
The one single advantage would be slightly less recoil, but the R9 isn't bad at all when you consider that it's a self-defense tool and not a "range gun" or "plinker".
Just thinkin' out loud.
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