Author Topic: 2 thumbs up for Eric R!  (Read 9267 times)

Offline HoustonHusker

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2 thumbs up for Eric R!
« on: December 29, 2004, 01:45:39 AM »
I emailed Eric this afternoon inquiring who I could buy from in Houston, and asked him about availability and things like that.

He not only took the time to write me back, but also said that I should just use my own FFL dealer down here and have them contact him to work something out.

He THEN followed up tonight at 11:30 CST-12:30 AM HIS TIME-and let me know he'd just composed a letter that took 15-minutes to compose and that his computer screwed up and he lost the letter.  He's dog-tired and STILL went through this to help some guy out in Houston, Texas.

It's this kind of effort that makes it well worth spending hard-earned dollars for such a premium product and company!!  His customer-service work ethic is 2nd to none, and I just can't tell you how happy I am to be associated-even in a very small way-with Rohrbaugh Firearms moving forward.

I sincerely hope they make a TON of money, and I'm sure they will.....great product with even greater service to their customers will ensure terrific success for them.

Way to go, Eric...2 thumbs up, pardner!


Offline R9SCarry

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Re: 2 thumbs up for Eric R!
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2004, 04:09:24 AM »
HH - if you have browsed the site - you will have seen more than one ref' in praise of ''Our Eric'' - many by me ... he is NOT your average guy - he is without doubt about the best EVER customer relations person you will find.

I am both impressed with what you report - but also not surprised either.

If this does not help generate enormous good will and so hopefully good business - I sure don't know what will.

I count myself lucky enough to have known Eric a while now - and count him as a dear friend also - we have shot together twice and I am hoping one day to meet his brother Karl.

The man is a star ... I only hope he does not overdo his work to such an extent that he collapses under the strain.  You have seen the man - as he is - a true champ!
Chris - R9S
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Offline theirishguard

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Re: 2 thumbs up for Eric R!
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2004, 06:03:25 PM »
HH, I'm a dealer in Dallas and have sold a R9S in Houston earlier.He has since ordered another one. I currently have several orders in house now. The first 5 guns that ship after the new plant is ready are already spoken for. I could put you on the list for the next shippment after that. To be fair to everyone, I ask for a deposit of $100.00 and then send the customer a receipt for same. When the R9S' come in I contact the customer with the deposit and we then get together to complete the transfer. The customer then pays the balance and sales tax. I hope this info helps you! Tom
Tom Watson, DVC , Quis Separabit ,  Who dares wins, Utrinque Paratus

Offline BamaTex

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Re: 2 thumbs up for Eric R!
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2004, 10:36:33 PM »
It is interesting that you post this. I have emailed Eric, TWICE, trying to buy a gun in Houston. He has never answered my emails. So, thinking I needed one that badly,  I ordered one from a dealer in Austin. Only to be told that production has stopped, with JUNE'S orders. Six months behind. I am personally worried about my money.
Lesson learned, never buy something that is not there.

Offline HoustonHusker

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Re: 2 thumbs up for Eric R!
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2004, 10:48:35 PM »

Thanks for offering to help!  I'm going to give my guys down here 1st shot at working with Eric, and if they balk, you'll be hearing from me.  We have no problem putting down a deposit and fully expected to anyway.

My email is:

If you'll email me, I'll let you know very soon-maybe as early as tomorrow-what my dealer down here will do.


I'm actually quite surprised to hear that.  I sincerely hope the guy in Austin does right by you.  I actually emailed Impact Guns in Utah and a dealer in San Antonio, and never got a reply from either one.  That's when I wrote Eric, and he said he'd work with the dealer of my choice...assuming they will, too.


Offline R9SCarry

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Re: 2 thumbs up for Eric R!
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2004, 10:57:27 PM »
BamaTex - welcome to you! :)

I daresay if Eric knew of this omission he would be not only concerned but keen to put things right.

AFAIK, even now as the move nears completion ... he is not on the ''net'' at work ... and with all the problems involved with the move, could well have overlooked quite a few emails.

I'll say this - he is not the sorta guy to purposefully ignore - no way - and so whilst seeming I am springing to his defence (OK, I am!) - I would not expect this to be other than an unfortunate hiccup.

I'll say too - Eric is someone who - somehow - tries to cram 36 hours into a 24 hour day - I am surprised he has not yet dropped from shere exhaustion.
Chris - R9S
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Offline BamaTex

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Re: 2 thumbs up for Eric R!
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2004, 11:22:28 AM »
Thanks for the welcome and words of wisdom. I keep thinking back to Kel-Tec and Auto Mag, I think, and their problems.

Houston Husker, I also emailed the dealer in San Antonio, with no response. The guy in Austin answered, and I eventually ordered a gun. The original plan was to order the gun and hopefully he would receive the gun and bring it to the gun show in Houston. Saving me a trip to Austin. Unfortunately, it did not work out that way. If you want his name, number etc. email me at:

IrishGuard, if one of your guys back out, please let me know.  I will put off the purchase of my Para Ordanance Stealth Hog for a while.

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Re: 2 thumbs up for Eric R!
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2004, 01:10:56 PM »
Hi y'all, I'm sure Eric would love to help you both out on getting guns. He is at this time, I'm sure overworked. He is a great guy and will do anything to help us on R9S. Bamatex, I would not worry too much about your order, he just got caught like I did at the end of November, on orders to be shipped at the time Rohrbaugh made the decision to move and enlarge. They sould start production and shipping guns after the SHOT SHOW in Vegas the end of January. Orders should start shipping in volume in Feb. If you and HH can't get R9S' from these dealers let me know. I'll be happy to get you guns in about March on my next order shippment.   Tom
Tom Watson, DVC , Quis Separabit ,  Who dares wins, Utrinque Paratus

Offline FireBreather01

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Re: 2 thumbs up for Eric R!
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2004, 08:05:40 PM »
My experiences have been very positive - on one occasion Eric responded with a phone call to an e-mail I sent - within 2 hours of sending the e-mail! On another occasion I left a phone message asking to order a few items and I again got a call, within a day, explaining that there would be a delay due to the move. Outstanding customer service.

I'm not sure why BamaTex had his problems but it is clear to me it is an anomaly. Perhaps Eric is just taking a well-deserved holiday break?

Good luck!
« Last Edit: December 31, 2004, 08:06:04 PM by FireBreather01 »
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Offline BamaTex

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Re: 2 thumbs up for Eric R!
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2005, 02:01:52 PM »
Actually the emails were in September/October when my partner and myself were interested. He backed out, I contacted the guy in Austin.  

I do not like the idea of waiting until possibly March. That would be 5 months from order. But, what choice do I have?
I hope this gun is worth it.

What are the exact dates of the Shot Show?

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Re: 2 thumbs up for Eric R!
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2005, 02:23:30 PM »
Hi Bamatex, Go to SHOT to register for the show, its $15.00/ea now or $50.00 at the door. It is open to FFL dealers only not the public. It is January 28-31
Tom Watson, DVC , Quis Separabit ,  Who dares wins, Utrinque Paratus

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Re: 2 thumbs up for Eric R!
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2005, 04:07:43 PM »

I am having trouble following exactly what happened here.

Who did you pay your money to that you are worred about -- the dealer in Austin?

Eric gets a lot of e-mail -- and e-mail is not foolproof.  Try calling on the phone before you decide he is non-responsive.  That is still your best way to contact him.

Don't worry about Rohrbaugh -- they are fine -- and ready to really gear up on production and go in January.  They dont like being months behind either, which was the whole reason fo the move.  With the new facilities, they expect to be completely caught up perhaps as early as mid-year and churning out guns on demand.

A five month wait may seem like a lot, but most of us here waited that long or more -- and yes, it is worth it.

Duane (DDGator)
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Offline BamaTex

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Re: 2 thumbs up for Eric R!
« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2005, 10:38:27 PM »
Okay, I will wait, not patiently, but wait. I feel better about the situation after talking to you guys.

And, I will report back after I get my gun and go to the range.

Also, do you guys agree the Hedley Back Pocket holster is the most versatile? I see there is a wait for the holsters, also.
And, I sure want to have a carry holster when my gun arrives.


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Re: 2 thumbs up for Eric R!
« Reply #13 on: January 01, 2005, 11:09:23 PM »
RJ may have a short wait for his holsters... but it would be measured in weeks... not months.

RJ's holsters are great -- and people here swear by them.

Since you asked about maximum versatility, I would also mention that Kevin at K&D Holsters makes a front/rear pocket convertible model with a removable anti-print shield for maximum versatility --  Kevin's work is also very highly regarded around here and is turned around very quickly.

Hope that helps -- pocket holsters have been discussed around here in great detail in a lot of threads.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2005, 11:14:30 PM by admin »
Duane (DDGator)
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Re: 2 thumbs up for Eric R!
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2005, 07:11:14 AM »
As to the question regarding Hedley holsters, my check is in the mail to Mr. Hedley, (yesterday). The holsters appear to be well made and nothing seems more natural to me than to patronize forum participants.
If things go well for me my gun should show up in Feb/March time frame and it cannot hurt to buy the garage before you get the car.