Rohrbaugh Products and Accessories > Rohrbaugh Accessories

ALERT - VZ Grips have discontinued Rohrbaugh grips, only a few left!


They stated they were no longer going to produce grips for the Rohrbaugh due to low demand. They also stated there was zero chance they would ever restart production.

They have them on close out at $40.00 a set. There are only a few colors left!

I have two sets inbound for my two R9’s that don’t have them.

VZ was a great company to work with for our R9 grip panels. 

Love those!

I really like the blue VZ on the Tributes.

So do I Phil.

The ones I like by VZ are the deep brown and black ones that almost make it look like wood grips.

Those. . . on a Stealth. . . . . . Now there ya go!  THAT's the ticket right there and my personal choice!

Eric R.


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