Rohrbaugh Products and Accessories > Gunsmithing or Modifications for your Rohrbaugh

grip screw removal

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Richard S:
I was able to remove a damaged and frozen Allen-head screw from the right-side grip panel of my R9s by using a small damaged-screw remover mounted in a power drill on slow speed.  It was a delicate piece of work, and I was fortunate, and relieved, to have been able to remove the screw without inflicting any damage to the grip panel or the frame.

Good luck.

I had the same problem, had to drill mine out.  You can get replacement screws off of the Rohrbaugh web site, or you can do what I did, went to a local supply store and replaced the grip screws with stainless phillips flathead screws.  The size you need is 1/4 inch long screws with 3-48 threads.  When the screw size gets smaller, I think it is much easier to remove a phillips head screws than an allen head screws.

cobb - welcome to the board :)

Glad you succeeded with your drilling - it would not take much error to bugger the threads in the frame!  Last year I drew up a screw - best as i could from meaurements - I'll repost that for info tho I did post it a ways back.

Philips heads can be ok, as long as a good quality clean ground driver used.  Equally tho, the Allen heads are OK if wrench is proper size - 0.0625" - a true 1/16".  Unfortunately many hex wrenches from cheaper sets can easily mic up a thou or more under-size and so quickly marr the screwhead.


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