Rohrbaugh Products and Accessories > Cleaning and Maintenance of the R-9
Silver frame R9 innards! (for Murray)
Mike - per your request on this thread .. here are some pics of my silver frame R9s taken down, somewhat like Justin's pics.
Comments first .... this came straight out of my pocket - there is lint I haven't gotten off totally!!. I also have kept exposures reduced to try and capture the frame surface - not easy in one or two. Plus - I did not put as much time to shooting these pics as I might have... (that's my excuses out the way! ;D )
I thought of a 100% total take down but was shy of removing hammer, hammer spring and housing ...... anticipating reassembly being a tad tricky! I have also reduced the pics dramatically, and so you may see on some some ''pixilated'' effects ... ''staircase'' sorta deal on slight diagonals ... sorry but - that happens.
Here we go then .....
Right side - grips removed ... trigger assembly in place
Right side again .. with trigger group dismantled.
Left side, grips removed.
Slide assembly, broken down
The insides of the grip panels
And, for completeness .... a disassembled mag'
Further comments ... the more I look at these components - the more I am totally impressed by design features. As an engineer I keep seeing both excellent design tricks - as well as the sheer tight tolerancing. Heck - these grips are a work of art in themselves when it comes to tolerances and fit.
A word of warning .... the left grip panel in particular - must not be prized off ........ just ''eased''. In my case the relief/engagement counterbores in the panel for trigger pivot pin and hammer spring housing retaining pin .... actually held those pins and was tending to bring pins with it ..... so, please - very careful easing such that grip panel remains aligned to frame. Patience and care - that does it.!
I'd add too that - this degree of takedown is not necessary as ordinary maintainance ..... despite the amount of ammo I have shot ... 300 plus ... the inside of these areas (under grips) was not needy of cleaning at all. Did notice tho - mere point of interest ..... some small ''soot circles'' in mag well .... due I assume to some gas creeping back down inside mag and then out the sides thru the holes! No biggie at all.
Oh - one other observation ....... on one shoot i did allow upper right grip panel screw to loosen a bit too much ... as a result I noticed that the upper trigger return spring ''peg'' on the frame, had a slight burr on its upper and outer edge .. not easy to see but - brings home to me the importance of the part the grip panels play.
I shall be re-assembling using Loctite as per directions.
Hope that covers it - will have to edit later if I have forgotten stuff.
Very nice!
I too had noticed the soot circles before. :) I also had the same small burr on my spring post.
Is your serial # 32 or is that edited?
As usual you have done an outstanding job and I appreciate the time you take to assist those of us lacking your engineering skills and mechanical abilities. Have no fear, I will never take down my R9S to the extent you have.
Looking at your photos I can't help but be reminded that the fit & finish of the "innards" are comparable to that of my Ed Brown Kobra Carry. And those of you who know the rep Ed has for fit & finish know that is quite a complement.
Mike - you are most welcome ... seemed worth the effort also just for further gen info for all really. Don't think we can have too much - particularly for the prospective buyers!
Shelby ...
--- Quote ---[size=13]Is your serial # 32 or is that edited?[/size]
--- End quote ---
I confess .. usual paranoia .. yeah, just removed the last digit.!! ::) ;D
How do you reassemble your slide, barrel, and recoil guide rod? I wasn't able to fit the recoil guide rod assembly into the frame with the barrel in place. I had to put the guide rod in first and hold it under tension then insert the barrel. What have you found?
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