Rohrbaugh Products and Accessories > Cleaning and Maintenance of the R-9
Frog Lube
I have heard it mentioned several times and recommended by a lot of folks. Then when I saw a post on the S&W forum about how Frog Lube stopped his guns from firing I took pause. After reading something by someone here about how wonderful it was, I went back and found that post to put it on this forum.
It's worth a read. When I do annual services on S&W, Colts, Sig's, Hi Standards, and even Rohrbaughs, I use acetone as the cleaner of choice. I then air dry all parts and blow them off with compressed air. For lubrication I use Rem-Oil and Singer Sewing Machine oil. You can buy a container of Singer Sewing machine oil at a pattern or sewing machine shop for $1.19 (last time purchased). It will last a few years. Not quite as thin as rem oil, it is designed to lubricate sewing machine internal gears etc. They run at hyper speeds and no one wants any wear on them. It does the job. It works on guns too. I also use a product that Chip McCormick used to sell called, "Trigger Slick." Its a Molybdenum sulfide black grease that he used to package in small tiny containers. It is remarkably similar to a Molybdenum grease I used to get at the speed shop for camshaft changes and could be found almost anywhere now as cam lube. It's an excellent lube for internals of rotational points like the studs for hammers and triggers in S&W revolvers. I've used those for years. I bought a tube of cam lube and a couple of bottles of sewing machine oil and they will last my son into the next lifetime, I'm sure. For extremely cold climates and rifles needing lubrication for the cold, I once obtained a 1 Qt can of Arctic Weapons lube at a surplus store. It look and smelled (high sulphur) like ATF....automatic transmission fluid, for those unfamiliar with working on cars. I would recommend a can of ATF for semi auto rifles in extremely cold climates. One doesn't have to make the weapons swim in fluid. Drops are OK. Glugs are usually too much. Good luck
Thanks for the tip on using sewing machine oil. I think I will try some of that.
I heard some good things about TRI-FLOW lubricant but haven't tried it yet.
I have used RIG grease for many years on every firearm possible. For lighter lube I have great luck with Super QGC. Probably any major product will work. Hell the NVA would run their AK 47's, and SKS rifles dry for years.
Most of us clean so often brands probably don't matter.
I use grease on the slides and barrels of all of my firearms and a dab of oil on each internal mechanisms hinge point. I will then cycle everything a few times to work things in and wipe up the excess. No mess and no need to over lubricate but I do also clean and relubricate after every outing.
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