Rohrbaugh Products and Accessories > Cleaning and Maintenance of the R-9

Extractor Removal?

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This is an interesting conversation that leads me to ask if we should be cleaning the interior hard to reach parts with Gunscrubber spray or some other method?  If so, how so, and how often?

When some R9s came in for warranty work, I would take the firing pin out and it was always relatively clean in there, so I would say not necessary there, however, if shot a lot, the extractor would get dirty, but I was always able to clean it up without removing it from the slide. . . . . other times, I would remove it just to be sure and I would install a fresh extractor spring while I was in there.  ;-)

Eric R.


--- Quote from: ECR on May 18, 2017, 06:19:50 PM ---When some R9s came in for warranty work, I would take the firing pin out and it was always relatively clean in there, so I would say not necessary there, however, if shot a lot, the extractor would get dirty, but I was always able to clean it up without removing it from the slide. . . . . other times, I would remove it just to be sure and I would install a fresh extractor spring while I was in there.  ;-)

Eric R.

--- End quote ---

Exactly. Hence why I asked the original question.

As Eric said, there is rarely gunk in the firing pin slot. There is always gunk in the extractor slot (much more so with a 1911 as a person generally fires many more rounds through a 1911 than an R9), which is pretty hard to get out without removing the extractor.

Now in theory, as long as you clean the gunk off of the extractor tip, you should be OK, but I would still very much prefer to remove it for thorough cleaning.

In the end, don't mind me as I am just thinking out loud.  :)

Are the tolerances too tight to use compressed air to blow out the debris?


--- Quote from: PhilZ on May 19, 2017, 10:06:35 AM ---Are the tolerances too tight to use compressed air to blow out the debris?

--- End quote ---

I don't see how air would get into the channel with the extractor in place, so no, I don't imagine that would work. Guess it wouldn't hurt to try.


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