Miscellaneous > Other Guns

Up in size a tad ...... but still useful.

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The' MAK ' is a good pistol but for $50 more you can get the Bersa,better trigger,sights .I belive a better gun, over all .I went to store today and looked at the "MAK"again and just can't warm up to it. Thats why there are many firearm companys. so people have a choice.

Thanks Chris.  I'll look at the next gun show.

The East German Makarovs have the best bluing, fit and finish.  There are some FINE black leather flap-over holsters from Bulgaria; very nice leather!

I have sold all of my several dozen Makarovs, except for 4 East German ones.  Just my preference.  If you remember some of my posts from a few years ago, I went by Reverend Makarov in some forums.   ::)

I find the Bulgarians to be a GREAT deal.  They are good products but have a bit of a funny color to the finish.  The pistols are not very ammo finicky but there are only a few that are made for the hotter, heavier 9x18 120 gr. HP at 1150 fps!!!  Most, will foul up with these rounds.  I think they are a bit larger in diameter and that, with the steel case and lacquer finish on the cartridges... soon sticks things up on most Makarovs.  Most ammo is 95 gr. fmj at 935 fps approx.  

The most accurate I've had were the Russians.  The most perfect in every way, E.G. and second... fortunately for those just now buying... the Bulgarian!  

Just a note: When I ordered my first Makarov, they were $1,200 and a two year wait.  They were well worth the price!  I never did get one.  Finally, I got one, my first Makarov an E.G. one for $80 as I recall, then they quickly went up a bit and are still inching up in price over the years.  

There are many of us that feel they are one of the finest; that is most reliable, dependable, accurate, pistols ever made.  We've sold about 1,000 of them here locally and probably millions of rounds of ammo and have never, yet had a machinery fault in one!!!!  Some bad ammo, lots of bad shooters problems over the years with that many pistols and shooters out here.  Try it... You'll like it.

Those who like the form, function and appreciate mechanical near-godly-perfection of firearms... like those of us here, are good prospects for a Makarov.   :o ;D


--- Quote ---[size=13] ordered my first Makarov, they were $1,200 and a two year wait.[/size]
--- End quote ---

Jody - that quite took my breath away!  Shucks! :o  

Glad I got mine when I did - approx 18 months ago I guess ....... not cheapest but the Russian/Bulgy import cost around $200 mark IIRC.


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