Miscellaneous > Other Guns

Convert RM380 to 9mm?

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The Remington RM380, as most of you know, was Remington's version of the Rohrbaugh R380, which as probably everyone knows, was a rechambering of the Rhohrbaugh R9.  This begs the question: is it possible to go the other direction, and "upconvert" a RM380 to 9mm?  Is it safe?  Has anyone done it?  What parts would be needed?

Why bother, you might ask?  The short answer is that there are a whole lot more RM380's around than there are R9's.  The long answer is, well, long......

The conversion would require:

* .380 Barrel
* .380 Slide with .380 Extractor
* .380 Ejector
* .380 Outer Recoil Spring
* .380 Magazine

I think that he means 9mm on the above parts.

It won't work.

Remington advised against 380 +P ammo in theri RM380.  I know a guy who's RM380 had the frame crack with normal ammo.


--- Quote from: tracker on February 14, 2022, 09:27:25 AM ---I think that he means 9mm on the above parts.

--- End quote ---

How did I miss that conversion!?  LOL

Yes, I meant the other way around. 

Good catch Tracker!  Ha haa . . . . . .  Ah, you guys knew what I meant anyway.



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