Rohrbaugh Products and Accessories > Rohrbaugh Accessories

Magazine pinky extensions

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Does anyone still make extensions for the R9 mags?  I’ve seen on the forum some really nice ones by yankee but those threads are really old. 

Any thoughts?

I have two “hooked” and one straight version that I bought from Yankee years ago….one on each of my pistols and one spare in the safe.  They make (to me) a huge difference in shooting this pistol.

Do you know how to get in touch with Mr. Yankee?  I wonder if he would share the drawings for these extensions?  I would see about getting some fabricated.

I have not heard anything about him for years now…don’t know if they were patented, but suspect they may have been.

One of the many reasons I need to suck it up and learn how to 3D print.



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