Author Topic: Fiirst Time Dissasembly  (Read 3417 times)

Offline gsquare

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Fiirst Time Dissasembly
« on: January 30, 2009, 05:15:49 PM »
I just bought my Rohrbaugh a few weeks ago and wanted to take it apart before I went to the range. I'm glad I did because it didn't seem to have much lubrication on the rails.

Anyway it only took about 10-15 minutes to take it apart, oil it, and put it back together. It was easier than I expected. All the posts I read on here helped a lot. The hardest part was putting the slide back on. It seems the recoil spring assembly wasn't level. I had it pushed down too far and I couldn't figure out why the slide wouldn't go all the way back.

After a few unsuccessful attempts at putting the spring assembly back in by hand I used channel locks and it went right in the first time. I think with a little practice I will be able to do it by hand.

In any case it was much easier than my Seecamp. It's taken me years to be able to take that apart and reassemble quickly.

Offline sslater

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Re: Fiirst Time Dissasembly
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2009, 09:54:02 PM »
First, welcome to the forum.  Glad to see you read thru the maintenance threads.  It makes disassembly / assembly much easier.  Getting the recoil spring assembly in was definitely the toughest step for me to master.  Grabbing the spring cap and recoil rod with channel locks didn't appeal to me much. After a couple of busted fingernails I finally took a hunk of hard plastic (the end of an old brush) about  0.25" thick, and filed a notch a little wider than the diameter of the guide rod in the end.  Instant recoil rod installation tool.  

With a 50 to 80 round maintenance recommendation, you'll get really good at breakdown / assembly of the pup.

I think the Ruger Mark I - II - III .22 semi-auto pistol is the most challenging pistol to reassemble I've ever had.  After five years I can finally field strip and reassemble it in a few seconds, but the local gunsmith tells me he still gets several Rugers a month in paper bags to reassemble.


Offline theirishguard

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Re: Fiirst Time Dissasembly
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2009, 01:55:36 PM »
gsquare, welcome to the forum, glad you had an easy time taking the pup apart. enjoy it.  Tom
Tom Watson, DVC , Quis Separabit ,  Who dares wins, Utrinque Paratus