The Rohrbaugh Forum

Administration => Forum News and Feedback => Topic started by: DDGator on February 09, 2005, 05:45:03 PM

Title: Many Thanks to PCA
Post by: DDGator on February 09, 2005, 05:45:03 PM
Many thanks to PCA, for his most generous monetary contribution to the forum.  His donation will pay the forum's ordinary expenses through this calendar year.  Thanks PCA!
Title: Re: Many Thanks to PCA
Post by: theirishguard on February 09, 2005, 06:00:05 PM
What a super deal!! Thanks PCA
Title: Re: Many Thanks to PCA
Post by: R9SCarry on February 11, 2005, 07:22:18 PM
Sounds very generous Phil ... between us we can hopefully keep this all going and save Duane any more strain that keeping us in order!!! ;D
Title: Re: Many Thanks to PCA
Post by: PCA on February 12, 2005, 08:24:16 AM
Duane, Tom, Chris,

Thank you. The R9 is the first handgun I will be buying in 4 years. got sick and tired of NJ gun laws and got into other collecting ventures.

Still have about 20 guns but I sold majority of my collection.

My gift to the forum was reasonably based on the enjoyment I derive from it and the influence it has had toward my re-entry into firearms. I would further add homage to Eric Rohrbaugh and the quality of forum members of which I am proudly one.
Title: A way to view...
Post by: TW on February 12, 2005, 09:01:49 PM

"My gift to the forum was reasonably based on the enjoyment I derive from it and the influence it has had toward my re-entry into firearms."

This quote from Phil struck me, and I believe it is a good way to express, measure, and support this forum (or anything else which gives us enjoyment or service).  Fortunately this is not about matching funds, but helping as you can with a goal in mind might be a way to look at it.  I know I will try and help out finiancially to keep this place going.  How about you...?  Not a sermon, just a thought (stole that line from some radio preacher - but it works)...TW<<
Title: Re: Many Thanks to PCA
Post by: PCA on February 13, 2005, 09:34:09 AM
There goes TW with that modesty thing again. How about you driving all the way from where you live to the new Rohrbaugh facility and lending a hand spackling the place?

If you don't believe me that TW did that, just ask Eric.

In order to get you have to give. Words to live by.
Title: Re: Many Thanks to PCA
Post by: DDGator on February 13, 2005, 09:59:46 AM
Yes -- that is true.  I should have mentioned that -- but because TW is too modest to do so.  He helped spackle and paint the new Rohrbaugh factory.

I am humbled to be surrounded by such a great group of people.

"Gun" people are good people.  "Rohrbaugh" people are a cut above, for whatever reason...