Agreed Richard.
I hadn't heard too much negative until today. Now some idiot sitting in Row 24 is coming out to say he never heard the word "bomb." Well -- the people up front did. You weren't there. Shut your hole.
I also heard some idiot today claiming to be a cop who said you should never shoot at a bomb -- the bullet could detonate it. Assinine. So, what? If a guy claims to have a bomb you can't shoot him anywhere?
Finally, I hear people asking why the Air Marshalls didn't hear or didn't consider the man's wife yelling that he was bi-polar and off his medicine. Again, SO WHAT? 1) The Marshalls are no doubt trained to anticipate attacks in teams and to not get side-tracked by diversionary tactics; and 2) Why would the Air Marshall knowing the guy was bi-polar cause the Marshall to believe he was more stable or less dangerous? If anything -- that make me more worried that he is not a terrorist, just a freaking nutcase.
All the sings were there. An unstable, aggressive individual who was not following commands, attempting to flee, threatening a bomb, and making a furtive/threatening movement. BANG. End of story. Sad and unfortunate result, no doubt, but the correct one.