Author Topic: all stainless version  (Read 42175 times)

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Re: all stainless version
« Reply #45 on: January 04, 2008, 08:01:42 PM »
Options and freedom of choice is a great thing but I am with
Duane on this one. This gun will be carried a lot longer than
it will be used in self defense. If that rare moment occurs
the recoil will hardly be noticed because of the adrenalin
rush; conversely, firing 100 rounds in a single range session
can cause problems to some people.

I think Rohrbaugh got it right on the weight issue but like
any other product one does not fit all.    

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Re: all stainless version
« Reply #46 on: January 04, 2008, 08:45:34 PM »
Im looking at it from a usage/wear side. I have two 45cal Ultra kimbers one stanless frame and one alu. The ss one is the one I practice with and have thousands or rounds through, with many many more rounds left in its life. The alu frame is for carry. not shooting alot. The same gose for the R9 Also for the fact that the wear rate on the R9 is much higher than most alu framed gun. Because of the much less surface area to take all the force a 9mm can put on it. This will cause it to wear alot faster than other alu framed guns. With that said I want to go out a shoot the piss out of it I like it so much. But I cant  at $1000 a pup. Bu I am getting another one next week!! ;D
That is my main reson for the ss frame.
If someone wants more weight to the lower half of the gun, I can make them a nice set of Brass Grips!! ;D ;D lol.
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Re: all stainless version
« Reply #47 on: January 22, 2008, 05:03:34 AM »

Not only can they do it, they have already done it -- years ago.  I held the stanless frame prototype when I visited the factory.  Ultimately, they decided that an alloy frame better met Karl's vision for this gun.

Now, I suppose they are aware of the demand for a stainless frame model.  Frankly, I think the demand is probably a bit over-stated on the forum by the hard-core fans who hang out here.  Ultimately, lighter weight sells more guns across the board.  Its ironic that NAA fans complain the Guardian is a pocket brick and scream for alloy frames!   ;)  I guess the grass is always greener...

Karl wants to make money.  I am sure he will get around to the stainless frame as soon as it is practicable.  Right now he is selling the existing gun as fast as it will go out the door.  He has debts to pay and investors to satisfy.  New stuff, including a stainless frame, will likely come in due course.

Some of us waited years to get this gun to start with -- no reason to start getting impatient now.

DDGator summed it up well, it's all about business and finding that niche in the market.  Rohrbaugh found it and is TCB.


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Re: all stainless version
« Reply #48 on: January 22, 2008, 05:13:54 AM »

I understand your points but I rebutt with this thought.

If everyone else can do it so easily, why can't Rohrbaugh do it just as easily RIGHT NOW?  Not well, yeah we are working on it and then it turns out to be years later.  I ain't got that many years left.  SNAP it up Rohrbaugh.


It's not as easy as it sounds.  I'm in manufacturing on a much smaller scale.  What people don't realize when they come up to me with their bright ideas is that I would have to buy more expensive machinery and have to find more hours in the day to work and/or hire more people.  All of which takes capital, that I do not have at the moment.  I.E., I'm not ready for growth right now, or can't handle it.

Some things about your business you just don't really want to discuss with those people that "have all the answers."


Offline harrydog

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Re: all stainless version
« Reply #49 on: January 22, 2008, 07:51:49 AM »
Im looking at it from a usage/wear side. I have two 45cal Ultra kimbers one stanless frame and one alu. The ss one is the one I practice with and have thousands or rounds through, with many many more rounds left in its life. The alu frame is for carry. not shooting alot. The same gose for the R9 Also for the fact that the wear rate on the R9 is much higher than most alu framed gun. Because of the much less surface area to take all the force a 9mm can put on it. This will cause it to wear alot faster than other alu framed guns. With that said I want to go out a shoot the piss out of it I like it so much. But I cant  at $1000 a pup. Bu I am getting another one next week!! ;D
That is my main reson for the ss frame.
If someone wants more weight to the lower half of the gun, I can make them a nice set of Brass Grips!! ;D ;D lol.
I agree. I want a SS version so that I can shoot it a lot. Practice is important, no? The alum version would be for carry only. Makes sense.
I doubt Rohrbaugh will be making a SS version in the foreseeable future, so it would be nice if some arrangement could be worked out with them to sub-contract some SS frames.
On a side note, what would you use to make the frames? 17-4 or 400 series stainless? Machined from bar stock I assume.
I wonder how having them cast in 415 stainless like Seecamps would compare cost-wise? 415 is some really tough stuff.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2008, 07:53:12 AM by harrydog »

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Re: all stainless version
« Reply #50 on: January 22, 2008, 07:03:53 PM »

I disagree.  All one needs is modern equipment and the knowlege to use it and something like a SS R9 frame machined from flat stock is a 'piece of cake'.  

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Re: all stainless version
« Reply #51 on: February 06, 2012, 10:49:51 AM »
I know this is a very old thread but there is an article this month in one of the gun magazines about the Kahr MK9 and the PM9 and how they make a great duo.

The main point of the article is that because the MK9 is stainless steel and heavier, it doesn't punish the shooter's hand and can be used for longer practice sessions.  I think the author advocates practicing with the MK9 and ending the training session with a couple of magazines from the PM9.

I'm not sure how many people could afford a second Rohrbaugh just for practicing with...  but I thought I'd bring it up.

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Re: all stainless version
« Reply #52 on: February 06, 2012, 11:45:56 AM »
I also read the article that you referred to.  I really like Kahr pistols and the PM9 is my favorite.  I enjoy my range time with the PM9 and I have never had trouble putting 50 to 100 rounds through it.  The same goes for the P380.  It is the only 380 pistol I have enjoyed shooting since I retired my Mustang.

As a reloader, I have found that reduced loads have been the easiest way to practice when you really want to extend your practice /fun sessions.

As for the R9, that is a different story.  The reason I am trying to sell mine is I have trouble getting 7 shots off quckly and accurately because I start to lose grip.  This is no problem of the gun, just my physical limitations from old age.

I have come to the realization that bigger might be better for me.

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Re: all stainless version
« Reply #53 on: February 06, 2012, 10:09:45 PM »

I disagree.  All one needs is modern equipment and the knowlege to use it and something like a SS R9 frame machined from flat stock is a 'piece of cake'. 


Does the factory not have modern equipment and knowledge?

My understanding is because of such tight toleranaces BECAUSE of the modern equipment, the pieces must be hand fit.

Now add SS instead of Aluminum and you have Harder metal - meaning more time needed to fit, tools dulling sooner, more time spent on tool maintenance.  Thus more time, more money per unit when you already have your hands full with the current model R9.
So is the so called benefit going to be worth an extra $250?, $350..........

Just questions, I don't know.

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Re: all stainless version
« Reply #54 on: February 06, 2012, 10:23:19 PM »
I also read the article that you referred to.  I really like Kahr pistols and the PM9 is my favorite.  I enjoy my range time with the PM9 and I have never had trouble putting 50 to 100 rounds through it.  The same goes for the P380.  It is the only 380 pistol I have enjoyed shooting since I retired my Mustang.

As a reloader, I have found that reduced loads have been the easiest way to practice when you really want to extend your practice /fun sessions.

As for the R9, that is a different story.  The reason I am trying to sell mine is I have trouble getting 7 shots off quckly and accurately because I start to lose grip.  This is no problem of the gun, just my physical limitations from old age.

I have come to the realization that bigger might be better for me.

MRC - Sorry to see that you are selling your R9.

If you have made your decision, I respect that.   Maybe I am not interpeting your thoughts correctly.  But even with a full size gun getting 7 shots off quickly does not fit into my equation.  Maybe 2 or 3, but controlled is the key for ME, and I stress ME.
Concealability/surprise factor and knockdown carry a lot of weight for me.  And that is where the R9 shines for me.

But on the other hand if you don't have the confidence, that can be everything.  I hope your other gun gives you that confidence.

Good Luck !

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Re: all stainless version
« Reply #55 on: February 07, 2012, 08:38:48 AM »
Reinz said

"MRC - Sorry to see that you are selling your R9.

If you have made your decision, I respect that.   Maybe I am not interpeting your thoughts correctly.  But even with a full size gun getting 7 shots off quickly does not fit into my equation.  Maybe 2 or 3, but controlled is the key for ME, and I stress ME.
Concealability/surprise factor and knockdown carry a lot of weight for me.  And that is where the R9 shines for me.

But on the other hand if you don't have the confidence, that can be everything.  I hope your other gun gives you that confidence.

Good Luck !"

I have no problems carrying or shooting with either the PM9 or the Solo with the Solo my favorite.  The Solo seems to point natural and the accuracy is outstanding.  It has my confidence.  Thanks.

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Re: all stainless version
« Reply #56 on: February 07, 2012, 09:42:37 AM »
Yeah those Solo's are nice.