Author Topic: Flippant thought!  (Read 6391 times)

Offline R9SCarry

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Flippant thought!
« on: July 02, 2004, 01:21:04 AM »
Really not that important but ..... knowing as I do that the average perp fears us .. the armed citizen, way more than cops... I wonder also, if the BG's have any idea at any given time just what is on the market with guns.

I gain no small amount of satisfaction from knowing that for the most part - the budding BG has little or no clue as to who is - or is not carrying.  I Like that ..... the biggest bonus if you will from right to concealed carry.

I also wonder - logical progression if you will - whether the BG's are now (yet) aware, of the R9's move onto the market.  My vicarious inner self, can't help thinking that they might - OK, just might think .... ''awe heck - another all but invisible gun around ... and one with some punch''.

If so - then we have scored yet another point possibly, against the armed criminal.  Wishful thinking I know but - gives me some satisfaction to know we have ''the means'' ..... even if so small.  Just musing!  :D
Chris - R9S
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Re: Flippant thought!
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2004, 09:55:52 AM »
Most BGs who carry firearms are completely ignorant about their use, care or function.  Unless they see an R-9 in "Bad Boys IV" or something -- they won't know or care. IMHO.

They will care when staring down the barrel, however...

Duane (DDGator)
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Offline MurrayNevada

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Re: Flippant thought!
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2004, 10:06:48 AM »
I'm not sure they know much of anything.  There have been a great many instances where a perp has attempted to shoot but has been unable to because he had no idea that the gun had to first be taken off safe.  This has happened many, many times when a perp has taken a pistol (often times a 1911) from a LEO and tried to shoot the LEO with it.  That's when the BUG becomes very important indeed.

Offline GeorgeH

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Re: Flippant thought!
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2004, 09:04:29 PM »
It is not just the bad guys that do not have any clue how a firearm functions.

I read novels at lunch. I have read all of Patterson's Alex Cross novels, and laugh everytime the character is to have disengaged the safety on his Glock before shooting the bad guy.

Offline MurrayNevada

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Re: Flippant thought!
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2004, 09:45:31 PM »
Come on George, give him the benefit of the doubt.  He is probably referring to the GLOCK "Safe Action" Trigger System.
Just kidding.

Offline Richard S

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Re: Flippant thought!
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2004, 10:21:31 PM »
I agree.  Most of the punks crawling around the back streets of the inner city at night don't have a clue about the handguns they like to wave around.  There are exceptions, but most of them don't have the slightest clue.

(1963-1967) "GO ARMY!"

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Re: Flippant thought!
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2004, 12:54:35 AM »
Hi Richard,

I hope that you are right. I have met some of the exceptions though. My experience has been that some of the real career criminals take these things just as seriously as we do.


Offline Richard S

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Re: Flippant thought!
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2004, 11:43:07 AM »

Yes, the career types can be expected to know their weapons.  I had in mind a lot of the two-bit punks who swagger around the city "packin' heat."  I remember one such around these parts who, when he was collared, was found to be carrying a "Saturday Night Special" which had so much rust inside that the slide wouldn't move.

(1963-1967) "GO ARMY!"


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Re: Flippant thought!
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2004, 11:50:47 AM »
Last night on TV, I saw a Mexican punk, waving a pistol around.  The way he was holding was funny.  He had the grip by a thumb and first two fingers, like in a "pinch" :)


Offline MurrayNevada

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Re: Flippant thought!
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2004, 09:25:51 PM »
Ask some of your LEO friends about the times they recover handguns from these types only to find them loaded with the wrong caliber ammo.

Offline Frenchy

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Re: Flippant thought!
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2004, 01:13:51 PM »
Spend a few minutes browsing around in an evidence locker, and you'll get an idea what some of these morons call a gun!  ::)

Offline Kevin Goebel

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Re: Flippant thought!
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2004, 08:39:31 PM »
The mythical professional criminal, like Robert De Niro in "The Score", might be a weapons expert, but I seriously doubt most criminals give concealable weapons (besides the ones they obtain for their own use or the ones pulled on them) much thought.

How much training do regular police officers (not swat teams or tactical entry squads or undercover cops) get on all the varieties and designs of small handguns out there? Crooks aren't likely to visit the local gun range where police officers sometimes double as instructors. Most states don't run Robber Safety Programs, so their learning opportunities are limited.  :)

Most of the gun crimes I've read about locally involve larger handguns. They are easier to find than ccw pieces when burglarizing homes because they are bigger and if the owner isn't home, they are probably packing their ccw pistol.

The average crook is only going to pack a gun to commit a crime, so the inconvenience of slinging a sawed-off shotgun under a jacket, or sticking a 6" bbl magnum revolver under his belt from the car to the cash register isn't a problem. The larger the gun, the more intimidating to the victim.

Besides being restricted by what they can obtain on the underground market or steal, a lot of criminals have other distractions which keep them from devoting a lot of time to gun proficiency or thinking about armed civilians. They have outstanding arrest warrants, drug addictions, turf battles, negotiating with fences, etc., to occupy their minds.


Offline GeorgeH

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Re: Flippant thought!
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2004, 09:29:02 PM »
There are criminals who take their weapons seriously. But there are those who do not, and God Bless them.

I have been the victim of violent firearm related crime 4 times. The first time, the BG tried to shoot me--twice--at a range of under 1.5 feet. (He put the gun to my head and pulled the trigger.)

He had just stolen the gun (a H&R top break 22 revolver) in a B&E. He was just dumb enough to not remove his thumb, and its residual pressure, from the hammer when he pulled the trigger twice. As a result--I lived.

He was caught within 3 hours after the robbery. He went to prison. I cheered. I testified against him with almost a giddy glee. I wanted that sucker in prison. I also offered, at that time, to make prison unnecessary for the sucker (but the cops declined my offer--if they had let me, it would have been me in prison).

This occurred 29 years ago. This was before I was allowed under Michigan law to acquire a CCW permit. Since that first incident I've been robbed again, and assulted twice more with a firearm. I understand more than most the fact that anyone can be a victim of violent crime.

I have never had a problem since getting my first firearm permit. But the reason is, in part, that I sought training and I studied what I needed to in order to acquire the skills to protect myself.

I am not into any martial art. I am a firm believer in the ability of modern science to project force over distance (read--gun beats hand or foot any day of the week).

Many of my opinions as to personal defense was forged through my own experiences.

I have never enjoyed carring a firearm, even though I love firearms. But, when you see me on the street, you can bet your last dollar that I am armed. I never, and I mean never, leave my home without one firearm.

I refuse to live in fear of crime.

I am a lawyer and I respect our system of justice. A cornerstone of our system is our inherent right to defend ourself from harm.

The Rohrbaugh brothers have produced a very fine tool that will help individuals, police officers, and others protect themselves. I will do what I can to promote their financial success, since I have no doubt that they have the ability produce other fine products.

People have asked me why I am such an ardent supporter of Ron Graham holsters, when I have no financial or family interest in either his business or his family. The answer is simple. I love his products. The same is true with the Rohrbaugh--I love this gun. Over time, if I can save enough pennies, I will buy others, such as the R9. But I have to start somewhere. So I have started with a single R9s that bears the serial number 131.

« Last Edit: July 18, 2004, 09:31:50 PM by GeorgeH »

Offline GeorgeH

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Re: Flippant thought!
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2004, 09:38:21 PM »
By the way. My first CCW permit was issued to me in 1981. I have had a permit, on and off since then.

I now own 40 Ron Graham products, and have two very large orders still outstanding.

My current primary defensive firearm is a Glock 36.

My pocket guns include: 3 Seecamps, 2 Guardians, 3 NAA mini revolvers, 2 High Standard derringers, a North American derringer model 1, a Kel Tec 380, and now a Rohrbaugh R9s (SN 131). Except for the High Standard derringers and one of the Seecamps, I have carried them all at one time or another.


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Re: Flippant thought!
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2004, 10:34:00 PM »
A couple of interesting posts, George.  You certainly have reason to *be prepared*..

Sent you a PM..