Hah! TW! .... yeah well.!
Yep - I have #2 .... main thing would be time, as ever. been peculiarly busy of late, not to mention right now configuring a new machine after my old main one fired!
I'll keep this in mind but to be honest - really not convinced that any lube variety is gonna show major and demonstrable differences under test - well, not unless under arctic conditions perhaps!
I am no tribilogist - just a humble engineer but my thinking is -
Lube is for one thing right? Protection of moving parts against wear ... but at same time keeping frictional losses to a minimum. Now with a gun - frame/slide set-up - I really think I'd have to find something akin to dark molasses, or worse - to expect a major functional change, considering the power of recoil from the ammo.
That said - I'd also be wanting a film of lube that is
persistent ... bottom line important. That means NOT light machine oil - it does mean something with enough viscocity to ''cling'' and hold in place - added to which these days the addition of micro particles of PTFE means a greater endurance and persistance. This is why I think Rohrbaugh has chosen Superlube.
There are tho so many quite sophisticated lubes on the market and IMO providing the main criteria are met, many will do. Tribology these days is quite a science. My main concern with this gun, being a thorobred and also IMO not a range plinker - it needs (and deserves) care and attention such that intervals between shooting and cleaning are short (in thruput terms) ... ensuring the cleanliness
and lube factors are maximized.
Waffle over!