Author Topic: Continuation of FRUSTRATED  (Read 11603 times)

Offline Richard S

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Re: Continuation of FRUSTRATED
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2006, 08:26:23 PM »
 As my firearms trainer says, "If 5 guys w/ MP5s jump out of a van and engage you, you're screwed anyways!"  This is a small self defense weapon, nothing more.

If someone wants a more "combat-ready" "sustained firefight" gun, for more serious missions, there is always the 1911, or the (gulp...) Glock.  :-)  Hehehe.....

Enjoy everyone'e comments here...and it's great to be a part of this forum.  Be safe!

- Spectro ;D

Now that's the Lord's honest truth!  It happened to me in November of 1993 while I was parked on the side of a back road between Abuja and Jos in the Middle Belt of Nigeria adding water to the radiator of an overheated Peugeot sedan. As required at the time, I didn't even have a pocket gun with me, not to mention a 1911 or one of the "Black Guns." And I should note that of the five armed goons in two automobiles who had suddenly surrounded me that day, it wasn't the leader who held most of my attention but a little snake-eyed guy off at the side pointing at my belly what was called a "Dane Gun" (a homemade, sawed-off .12 guage).  

It was one of those ** **** moments when you wish you had one or two of the magnificent weapons with which you've been trained.  Anyway, I'm still here -- and I never liked that Peugeot anyway.  (However, I was rather proud of the watch of which they relieved me.)   :(
(1963-1967) "GO ARMY!"

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Re: Continuation of FRUSTRATED
« Reply #16 on: September 19, 2006, 09:06:14 PM »
It sounds as though the lack of a wonderful piece might be
the reason you are talking to us today, in this case.

Offline Michigunner

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Re: Continuation of FRUSTRATED
« Reply #17 on: September 19, 2006, 09:56:51 PM »

I agree with you.  There should be discussion about cracked slides and failures to feed.

I would contact the factory first, of course, but I think it is essential that we all understand everything there is to know about the reliability of the R9.  It must always be utterly reliable, otherwise we should know that.

We should all feel free to talk about any problems found with the pistol.  Everyone benefits.

My decision to buy an R9 was based solely upon the fine reviews found here on this board.  I was highly satisfied with my purchase, and am seriously considering buying another.


Offline Richard S

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Re: Continuation of FRUSTRATED
« Reply #18 on: September 19, 2006, 10:14:30 PM »

You're undoubtably right, and my little wife has the same opinion -- but it still "sticks in my craw." There were about thirty seconds in which I had a pretty good idea of what was about to happen.

And that is one of several reasons, all learned in a few other marginal nations, why I now carry a concealed weapon whenever and wherever it is legally permissible to do so.  It is also why I urge all law-abiding citizens to do the same, and to join the NRA, the USCCA, the AKTI, etc., etc., etc.

This is not meant to be any form of braggadocio, because I have friends who have seen much more than I have seen and done in the service of our beloved country, including friends who have died in its service and lie in unmarked graves.  I have been truly fortunate.  But I have seen what happens when despots disarm their populace.  I have seen and smelled the shallow mass graves.  I have been in situations in which only the official seal on a letter from the Army Chief of Staff of a nation no larger than the size of one of our states -- a letter simply confirming an appointment -- saved  me from being beaten, robbed, and possibly maimed or killed by an illiterate soldier manning an unauthorized road block.  

May God continue to bless the United States of America, and may we preserve and strengthen the Second Amendment to our Constitution.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2006, 10:46:47 PM by Richard_S »
(1963-1967) "GO ARMY!"

Offline riffraff

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Re: Continuation of FRUSTRATED
« Reply #19 on: September 20, 2006, 12:14:29 AM »

Thanks for some agreement.
It has become clear that some are extrapolating things from my posts that are not ment and also clear that some want the entire topic dropped.  I find this attitude disturbing.  The old timers have heard all about this slide thing before but anyone familiar with messageboards knows that they are ALL cyclical.  You will always get the same topics recycled over and over as new people join the forum and older people leave the forum.

I have only heard good things about Rohrbaugh customer service on this thread and this is a very good thing.  I have not pestered the factory about any of my difficulties but I may have to in the future.

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Re: Continuation of FRUSTRATED
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2006, 12:40:07 AM »

To set the record straight, I wasn't reading into your situation, but addressing a general best practice...wasn't targeting you specifically sir.

In private conversation w/ Karl and Eric, it's become obvious that there is MUCH that gets "put out" in various venues and boards that should be dealt with privately, man to manufacturer, if you know what I mean.  Wasn't assuming that's your practice, but I know for a fact that it's sadly all too common.  Some folks stir up a tempest in a teapot...then well down the road, actually call the factory and it's really no big deal at all...and the problem gets fixed straightaway!

I know for a fact there are guys who totally misused their R9, shooting hundreds of rounds in a session (totally against factory advice), then complained loudly to everybody about their results!

I've also noticed a very, um, shall I say it?..."rosey" outlook on many gun boards, with a sort-of distaste for anything that seems to be "negative."  (Kinda strangely mirrors the larger culture's political correctness, eh?)  You sure are correct...not good to sweep anything under the rug at all!  Open free exchange of info and concerns is what we should want.

From many private talks w/ the R Bros, I would say they want to be 'pestered' - though they would not think any of your concerns are pestering, I'm pretty sure.  They are certainly there to field any and all issues...I was just saying that THEY are the best source to field such things, not an "amorphous community of online enthusiasts" as someone once described messageboards.  (Though as far as boards go, this one is the R9s of gun boards!  Hehehe...:-))

All my best,


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Re: Continuation of FRUSTRATED
« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2006, 12:53:55 AM »
What a great testimony and justification you have given to
the 2nd amendment. That amendment gives us the right to
bear arms, but I consider it a distinct privilege to hold a CCW
license and that is one of the many distinctions between those
despot countries and rulers that we enjoy in this country.
Thank you for such clarity in describing the differencies
between us and them. Oddly, many other civilized countries
don't get it.

Offline S.F._Phantom

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Re: Continuation of FRUSTRATED
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2006, 01:56:02 AM »

When someone posts "In private conversation w/ Karl and Eric, it's become obvious that there is MUCH that gets "put out" in various venues and boards that should be dealt with privately, man to manufacturer, if you know what I mean", it makes me wonder about basic education of firearms...  If people don't post ongoing problems, then no one will get educated as to possible dangers.  I have taught firearms training for over 15 years and the last thing I would want to do is cover up a possible problem with any firearm.  The company may stand behind a product, however not informing the public would be negligent.  This forum does just that, it lets us all know about the pros as well as the cons when it comes to the R9S.  Rohrbaugh is a growing company and they must know that there will be positive as well as negative statements made about their product.  
Prior to buying mine, I watched their video.  It insinuated that the R9S is fully functional out to a range of 25 yards, and it is.  It may be designed for close quarters, however it can be deadly at 25 yards.  
You have also stated "I know for a fact there are guys who totally misused their R9, shooting hundreds of rounds in a session (totally against factory advice), then complained loudly to everybody about their results!"  As of yet, I have not seen this recommendation or admonishment in any of the Rohrbaugh documents.  I wonder, other than having an extremely sore hand, what should the outcome be?  After competing in PPC, IPSC and SASS matches, I would wonder about any weapon that can't handle 200 rounds of factory ammo in any time span.  

The reason that I have remainded on this forum is to learn, both the positive as well as the negative issues as to our little beasts.  I carry mine all the time, however I want to stay up on its quirks.


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Offline Michigunner

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Re: Continuation of FRUSTRATED
« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2006, 10:27:19 AM »
Richard, Thank you for those outstanding remarks about your experiences.

I also thank God we can be armed to protect ourselves.

We are fortunate to live safely and peacefully, even though we are surrounded by police and military who have weapons in hand.  Generally speaking, we do not have to fear their power.


Offline riffraff

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Re: Continuation of FRUSTRATED
« Reply #24 on: September 20, 2006, 10:52:08 AM »

You make another good point in your last post.

The literature that comes with the R9's is totally inadequate!
It needs to be rewritten to include all the things that can be found on this board about recomended ammo, cool down, the fact that this gun is designed to be carried a lot but fired a little.  That last part is supposed to be a quote from one of the R bros. that was posted on this board.

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Re: Continuation of FRUSTRATED
« Reply #25 on: September 20, 2006, 10:55:10 AM »
AMEN to that brother!  It's a great idea riffraff.

Offline eblackhawk

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Re: Continuation of FRUSTRATED
« Reply #26 on: September 21, 2006, 10:27:37 PM »

When someone posts "In private conversation w/ Karl and Eric, it's become obvious that there is MUCH that gets "put out" in various venues and boards that should be dealt with privately, man to manufacturer, if you know what I mean", it makes me wonder about basic education of firearms...  If people don't post ongoing problems, then no one will get educated as to possible dangers.  I have taught firearms training for over 15 years and the last thing I would want to do is cover up a possible problem with any firearm.  The company may stand behind a product, however not informing the public would be negligent.  This forum does just that, it lets us all know about the pros as well as the cons when it comes to the R9S.  Rohrbaugh is a growing company and they must know that there will be positive as well as negative statements made about their product.  
Prior to buying mine, I watched their video.  It insinuated that the R9S is fully functional out to a range of 25 yards, and it is.  It may be designed for close quarters, however it can be deadly at 25 yards.  
You have also stated "I know for a fact there are guys who totally misused their R9, shooting hundreds of rounds in a session (totally against factory advice), then complained loudly to everybody about their results!"  As of yet, I have not seen this recommendation or admonishment in any of the Rohrbaugh documents.  I wonder, other than having an extremely sore hand, what should the outcome be?  After competing in PPC, IPSC and SASS matches, I would wonder about any weapon that can't handle 200 rounds of factory ammo in any time span.  

The reason that I have remainded on this forum is to learn, both the positive as well as the negative issues as to our little beasts.  I carry mine all the time, however I want to stay up on its quirks.


Nonsense!  This gun is not meant to be be a "closet queen" but a weapon meant to save your life under the worst possible scenerios!  Other than getting hot, my R9s has performed flawlessly, no matter how many rounds I shoot in a given session.  Keep it clean, keep it lubed and keep it with won't let you down!

Offline S.F._Phantom

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Re: Continuation of FRUSTRATED
« Reply #27 on: September 22, 2006, 08:50:05 PM »

Not sure what the Nonsense is about?  I believe that this weapon should be able to shoot just like any other good quality weapon.

If you look in my post, I put quote marks when quoting someone else's view points.
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Offline eblackhawk

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Re: Continuation of FRUSTRATED
« Reply #28 on: September 23, 2006, 09:44:03 AM »

Not sure what the Nonsense is about?  I believe that this weapon should be able to shoot just like any other good quality weapon.

If you look in my post, I put quote marks when quoting someone else's view points.
The "nonsense" I was referring to was to whoever makes remarks like that, not to you personally.  My point being that any gun purchased should be 100% reliable or it shouldn't be carried!  What good is carrying any gun if you are not 100% sure it will go bang when you need it the most?  I've been fortunate that my R9s has been that reliable!  None of my guns are "safe queens" and I shoot them regularly.  And, of course, I clean and lube them meticulously so they stay that way.

Offline S.F._Phantom

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Re: Continuation of FRUSTRATED
« Reply #29 on: September 25, 2006, 12:34:26 PM »

You hit it right on the nose......

I think most of us feel the same way.  Carrying a weapon that might not function will only get you killed.
We Are The Pilgrims, Master;We Shall Go Always A Little Further