My initial response is that is why I carry my BUG on my weak side. Lately my preferred setup is my Glock 26 at 3:30 (belt buckle is 12:00) in either a Blade-Tech IWB holster (most common) or Kramer belt scabbard, with either my North American Arms .380 or Kel-Tec P-32 in my weak side front pocket.
Thinking of a possible suggestion: push the entire holster up to the top of the pocket with the weak hand, then sit or kneel down so that, as you push the holster completely out of the pocket, it has your lap, the ground, or something else to fall onto that won't require it to fall far. Grab the gun, hook the holster on any convenient surface, and separate the gun from the holster.
Won't work in the middle of an in-your-face fight, but might work if you've made it to cover and your right hand is useless.
Alternatively, once the gun is at the top of your pocket, reach in with the weak hand, grab the grip upside-down, withdraw the gun from the pocket, flip the gun right side up by resting the top surface on your belt or abdomen while rotating it in your hand, and you should be ready to shoot.
In a real situation, you'd probably end up doing some kind of messed up combination of both.
Will play with this later and see what I come up with.