>>Hi Cal45...
The machines at Rohrbaugh are currently shut down due to the move, and will likely remain so through the Shot Shot at the end of the month. The big question is when will the machines be ready to turn on...?...after which the boys have a bit of catching up on backorders, and then will be processing new guns at twice the former speed of the old shop.
It used to be said the lag time was six months...so I guess this might mean a three month lag time once things are rolling. OR...do as a number of others around here have done - contact Rohrbaugh and ask where the most recent large orders went to...then check with the place to see if they are still in stock, and if so get your local gun shop to send a copy of their FFL along with the order - then perhaps within a week you will have your new jewel...! Or you might post a request here on the Rohrbaugh Forums for a R9 WANTED...! Several R9s have changed hands here in the last six months. Matter of fact my first specimen came in such a way...still waiting on my shop order from last August...got caught up with their big move...but at least I have an R9 in hand...soon to be in each hand, I hope...lol...!
When all else fails...be patient. The R9 will be worth it...I promiss...TW<<