First off, sorry for the triple post, but I got an error message 3 times. Didn't even realize a single one worked until just now when I pulled up the forums. :
As for the extractor question, thank you for the replies.
Was there a particular reason for this design? Reason I asked the original question and why I question the thought process is this..... I am a 1911 guy.
Being such, when I break down a 1911 for general cleaning, I pull the firing pin and the extractor (internal) as there is a tremendous amount of burnt powder and general crud that gets into the extractor channel
. Now most people don't go that far for general cleaning, but if they knew just how much crud is in there, many probably would go that far.
Now, I don't have any external extractor 1911's, but I do know there is a certain process to remove one, and I would imagine it doesn't involve grinding tools and such.

So, as a new Rorbaugh owner (and I freakin' love how small this thing is), I am trying to learn as much as possible about it, hence the original question.