Continuing Saga

Well... Tried a new recoil spring (new lot) on the R9 and the same thing happened, so we can rule that out.
Fortunately have a 2nd R9 to compare. The difference seems to be that the problem R9 has the main recoil rod that does not stay centered in the slide opening (when racking the slide)(main rod actually is recessed in the pistol not allowing the extended part of the rod to stay centered) which allows the extended portion of the rod to be miss-centered and get caught in the opening.
The other non-problem R9 has the main recoil rod stay centered as the main part of the rod stays within the opening (when racking the slide), not allowing the extended part of the rod to get caught.
Have taken photos of the main recoil rods of both R9's. The problem one is right. Interesting to note that the end nubs of the two rods are different sizes.
Problem R9 is serial # 29xx, OK R9 is serial # 19xx
Maybe it is time to purchase and replace the problem recoil rod? Any thoughts?