Ok I finally shot it! Two boxes of Gold Dot 115g and most of a box of Magtech 115g. I figured if it ate Magtech it would eat anything.
The r9 does have a little bit of a bite, more than my 45acp 3" springfield Micro. But I loved everyshot of it.
One failure to feed when the mouth of the gold dot hollow point hung on the feed ramp. However this was towards the end of about 60 rounds and I mixed my remaining gold dots in the mag with Magtech. (dirty trick i know). Also my hand was sore by then and it could have been limp wrist.
Over all the gun shot well and was just a little low at 15 feet, had to bring the front sight to it's base to get on center. Very happy I bought it! Will send Pics when my son has time to show me how and my holsters come in.